Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Dear John

Nicholas Sparks= Superman

Oh what can I say about Nicholas Sparks. Well for those of you who are unacquainted with him he is that dude who wrote "The Notebook". I live and breath for his heart wrenching tales of the perils and beauty of endless love.

So far I have only read The Notebook and A Walk To Remember but vowed to finish his whole collection of equally perfect pieces of literature over the course of my 3 week holiday. To date (I have been away 4 days) I have read 2.

I am a super fast reader and have actually gone through a book a day since being here alternating my Nicholas Sparks days as they tend to leave me emotionally drained and weepy but his books go by so exceptionally fast I find myself getting through them in mere hours. Like this morning when I started and finished Nights in Rodanthe before noon.

I never saw the movie with Richard Gere and Diane Lane (my boyfriend was horrified at the idea that his penis might fall of if he were to willingly watch something Notebook-ish and my mom and partner in sucky chicky movies had seen it on a plane ride and I hate to cry alone).

I had no idea what to expect but was still not disappointed. How Mr. Sparks continuously finds ways for his characters to realize their passionate and all consuming love in just days and also conceives new ways for said romances to be squashed by some tragedy or another is uncanny. How many romantic ways can a person die? Apparently many.

This one defiantly made me teary eyed and had my stoic unemotional sister look at me the way she does when she can't decide whether I am pathetic and worthy of pity or just straight up crazy- getting emotional over something as small as a paperback novel.

As great as Rodanthe was though, so far the end-all be-all for me, above the Notebook even is the one I read on day 1 of my vacation, "Dear John". Without being a plot spoiler this one not only has a heart wrenching, love at first sight, greatest love of all, love lost, love found theme but also has this amazing family love subplot that obviously made me sob my eyes out but moreover was so touching and so relevant and also so interesting that I could confidently pass it onto my stone cold sister and know with certainty that she would appreciate the book as a whole for this subplot alone. I cried from the moment I got to the third last chapter all the way to the end and then continued while packing up my things at the beach and all the way home. It was that good. And if you, like me, love a good hearty cry then you know just how good it all felt.

Tomorrow I will go back to the used bookstore down the street and continue. The woman who runs the store also loves Nicholas Sparks so I like shopping at her place. In the meantime I am reading Absalom Absalom by Faulkner. Something that heinously dense and boring is just what I need to make me want to get on the emotional rollercoaster of my next Nicholas Sparks.

Point: You should be reading Nicholas Sparks, all of you- and here's why:

If you are a girly girl and love a good romance- self explanatory

If you are not a girly girl- you will probably love being all like "this is so lame, love is so stupid, girls are so weak" and then cry yourself to sleep muffled in a pillow.

If you are a boy- these books will enlighten you to what girly girls think about when they fantasize about a perfect love for they too want (insert name here) to realize in just one hour without a shadow of doubt that she is the most beautiful and perfect creature alive and that he cannot go another minute without being her one and only. It will also enlighten you on how woman imagine that you spend the time that you are not with them thinking about them instead of thinking about football. Perhaps next time you want to get laid you will thank me for this blog and then tell your lady that you could not get the image of her hair blowing in the wind out of your mind all day instead of the scores of the football games you have watched and details of your proline tickets. If girls got a hard on the latter would lead to erectile disfunction.

your welcome

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