Monday, November 7, 2011

Manic Monday

Oh Hi,

Sorry for my absence in your reading lives but I have been taken with this really annoying and really overbearing cold, or flu, or flold, or virus, or infection...who knows really? Needless to say, I am sick- and moreover, sick of being sick.

Being sick does many things to me, the least of which is that it turns me into a little baby. I am quite possibly the whiniest, sniffliest sick person to ever grace our germ rideen planet. A normal person might take a pill for a cold like this and go about their days normally, I wince my way through and end with a bedtime of 7.

Did going to bed 4 hours early help me in this case? Not at all folks,
Being sick also makes me acutely aware of anyone who is around me within a 40000 mile radius who is capable of making me more sick.

This morning, aboard the rocket, I found myself unable to hear anything (except the ridiculously loud Persian women who seemed to only be able to converse by screaming at each other despite sitting right next to each other) except coughing. If you coughed from 8 cars over, I heard you and cringed each time.
I imagine your tiny germ molecules making their ways into my mouth and reinfecting me.
I also hate the movie Outbreak- are you surprised.

Anyways, thanks for letting me vent that out- more non sick related nonsense to follow- soon...

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