Friday, November 11, 2011

Passport to Prana

Oh hi. Happy Friday everyone.

I want to begin this post by reminding you that I am still about 600 plus views away from my 3000 goal by end of next week. Time is ticking people.

Anywho. I have had a really crap few days. Having some yucky things happen to me coupled with the fact that I am not drinking and or eating carbs is making me an insane person. To me, the only remedy to sadness is pasta. Different shapes for different sadnesses.

I'm kidding- I don't eat my feelings (except sometimes when I do) but I am just moody to begin with, and have been going through dramz.

My point is that today, despite complaining about money endlessly, I took myself on a feel better shopping trip. Guess what? I feel much better. A blazer, tank and blouse was all it took to wipe the scowl off my face. A pair of shoes and I would have been humping lamp posts.

It also doesn't hurt that the weekend is here!
What are you doing all weekend?


1 comment:

  1. I ate a delicious pasta last night. I thought of you. So therefore you kinda cheated, through me. Nic
