Thursday, October 27, 2011

The Cover Up

as you know, I play recreational dodgeball on Wednesday nights at some school I have never heard of that is always dirty and smells like dirty children.

If you know me, you would know that any team willing to accept me as a member is just for fun-plus, the obvious, it's dodgeball. Your skill level necessity for dodgeball is basically that you can stand and hold a ball- not exactly the sport of the gods- know what I mean?

So we play on this league and I'm not sure if this was on the pre-requisite form but majority of the guys we play against have seriously small dicks.

It isn't a naked league so you may wonder how I know so much about my oppositions penis size. Simple. When it walks like a dick and talks like a dick and looks like a dick, it is a small one.

I knew we were in for some trouble last night when we walked in to see our opposition getting their team T-Shirts. So, the T shirts are absolutely standard if not big- like I got a Medium and it is a men's medium size. So the biggest of the douches goes "man, i hate new T shirts, so hard for my arms to fit in"

OOOOOKKKKKK buddy. (and to note- although he was quite large- those "bulging" biceps he boasted were much less than impressive and much more than able to fit in his stupid T Shirt)

Anyways. game begins and as usual both teams begin chirping at one another. I think that the shit talk makes the game really fun. I love getting mouthy on the court (since I suck at everything else) HOWEVER- the past 2 teams we have played with have really crossed the line.

What is going on with todays boys? It really must suck to have a less than average size in your pants but no need to take it out on your female opponents. We didn't cut off half of what would be an average dick did we? Not our fucking faults.

So the guys start shit talking all the girls and shit gets out of control and my team ends up walking out of the game after almost getting into a physical fight with them. Because, you know what, NOT WORTH IT. I'm going to go ahead and say that any guy who bullies girls has obvious problems and punching them in their stupid faces really won't help matters any.

Hey guys, you can still get some with your eeny weenys- you just have to go the nice guy route. Like a Hummer driving mofo, you disgusting attitude isn't helping your cause any and is in fact showcasing your issues like an XRay machine.

Mouth off to me again and I will fucking pants you.

The End.

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