Thursday, July 21, 2011

Its getting hot in here- so fill your cup with Fro...I am getting so hot, I'm gonna fill my cup up....

So, the other night (not the night I spent puking my brains out with mild food poisoning), much to everyone I was with's surprise I confessed that I had never tried Yogurties- or Menchies for that matter.
It was a mere 10 minutes later that I was at the door of the new Yogurties on Avenue road.

I must first say that this was not the cause of my horrendous violently sick night- this was a different night altogether thankfully- I realize that talking about vomit does it make it appealing to foray into a rant about food but that's just how I roll.

Plus, in line with this extra hot weather, I thought it might be fun to think cool so, onto Yogurties...

So, in case, like me, you have been living under a rock, here is the lowdown on these FroYo places popping up all over the city. Soft serve froyo (frozen yogurt- obvi) a la TCBY is served at these joints. Along the wall stretches several batches of flavors paired in couples with the option of each flavor or a swirl of the 2 combined. You can pump as many flavors and as much as you can into fairly large cups.

How might one choose a flavor you may think?

Well it is as overwhelming as one might suppose but the good people at Yogurties make it easier on you by offering small cups for samples. Of course, the cheap-o in me immediately thought "I can just eat a million samples and not pay anything"- Truth be told, I am a sample abuser. Take me anywhere with freebies and I will skip a meal and fill myself with anything they offer. I am a pure embarrassment at Costco and when my mom and I attend the One of a Kind show and reach the food aisles (which are amazing and not to be missed) I usually do about 3 laps trying to hide my face for fear and shame that they will have recognized me from moments before.

But I digress.....again.
Here were the flavors available on that wall that night:
Lime and Kiwi
Vanilla and Peanut Butter
Pomegranate and Tart (yogurt flavor- my abso fave)
Cookies and Cream and Red Velvet.

Didn't bother with the Lime/Kiwi as I am allergic to Kiwi (do I not hate saying that? Being allergic to shit sucks. I fucking hate being like, oh, I'm allergic. I feel like I may as well have a retainer and pocket protecter or whatever. Just a weird thing of mine, fucking allergies).

I tried the Vanilla which was great- skipped the PB because the thought of it grossed me out- although it was the flavor of choice among my friends.
Got heaps of the Pom/Tart in a combi swirl- tried the Cookies and Cream which I thought was pretty lackluster and finally the Red Velvet which, although it was the color of purpley brown barf (sorry for bringing up barf again) was divine- i put some of it on the side of my Tart/Pom swirl and headed to the next station. Toppings.

Because, as if it is not enough to have a plethora of froyo flavors, you also have a bevy of toppings to add to your concoction.
Highlights include mini Entemans chocolate chip cookies, Cinnamon Toast Crunch cereal, every gummy and chocolate imaginable and sauces galore.
I of course tried the most raunch thing available- these balls called baby popping balls- the name alone should have been fair warning- that are essentially like roe, but instead of popping into salty fishy goodness, pop into fruit flavors. And not like tapioca- this was like flavored water in bubbles. Oh. Please. so. gross.

Best part is that like gelato, this stuff is low/no fat. Of course that makes it seemingly guilt free, mind you, the toppings help compensate for the calories- but also makes it a great treat. SO satisfying and especially if you go for the more indulgent flavors, like Red Velvet (which is also low fat)- great to satiate your sweet tooth.

The place is mental, full of people, we went at 10:30 and it was still fully packed with patrons. We saw at least 4 people we knew in different parties so it was great that I was in my most grubby sweats and had hair so dirty that some of it was building dreadlocks.... next time I will know better.

By the end of summer, these people will know me just as well as my gelato friends.

And speaking of which, as a side, on FabFind Toronto today- there is a coupon for free gelato at Simply Italian Gelato- this place is bomb! Check out my new food blog, in its infancy, to see some pics of the most amazing gelato to date from them- Lime Cilantro. This place is so fucking good (and follow my new blog too while you are at it!)

Keep cool today everyone!

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