Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Back attack

Ok, so it has been the nagging bane of my whole existence that I seem to have accumulated many if not all of my mother's maladies. Early onset osteoporosis- check, hip displacement- check, cellulite-check and back pain- check. I am well on my way to becoming a 70 year old 30 year old. A-maz-ing. Not really.

Right now I am dealing with the last of my list, back pain.

Now, 3 weekends ago I went to yoga with my sister in law to be and forgot that she is about 4000 times more athletic than me (as most of the world is). I obviously tried to keep up with her so she would not think I was such a hack and never take me back to her class and in the middle of some twist/bend/lotus/zen combo (that combo does not actually exist), it happened.

I made up my mind to ignore the gnawing pain and spent the day wandering downtown and sitting on the beach.


Since, I have suffered the consequences.

The following morning I could not rise- literally, I could not stand erect (hahaha, I said erect- ug, I am 5 years old). By mid-day I was hobbling down Yonge Street on the idea that walking might loosen up whatever was going on. It was that really hot Sunday. That one where the air was just too thick to breath and no one had any business marching themselves around town. I sweat my way to more pain and by dinner time I was crying to my parents to come and pick me up and take care of me while I lay on their cold wood floors and tried to OD on Robaxecet

The following day was much of the same peppered with T3s but by Tuesday I was beginning to feel a bit more ok and decided that, instead of listening to my mom's physio advice, that I would do heavy workouts instead and just "work through the pain".


Working through the pain has caused me to have an awful dull pain to this very moment- in fact I hurt so much today that I was initially writing a whole other blog but couldn't concentrate on it because of the ache- it was clear that I was on the wrong topic.

I finally bit the bullet 2 days ago and made a physio appointment for next week but in the meantime look like a total asshole everywhere I go.

Imagine me in my stupid work outfits bent over like a creepy old lady clutching my lower back/ass for dear life as I moan my ways back and forth from the subway. I feel like that weird little girl- the one who does correspondence for Fashion Television, what's her name? Tavi ( I just googled that), Tavi- who is like 13 but dyes her hair grey and wears wooly sweaters with knee high stockings. That is what I look like right now.

Ed. Note- I just spent the pat 25 minutes on her blog, she is cute- not as weird as I pegged her as. Style Rookie- so cute.

Anyways, if you see me skulking by in agony- pass me some painkillers or get the fuck out of my way- hey hey

Happy hump day.

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