Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Peter Pumpkinhead

Happy Halloween!!!!

After 365 days of countdown since Halloween 2011, we have arrived at my most favorite day of the year. Hello.

So, I have to admit that we were a bit behind this year on the festivities. My house remains undecorated since there has been non stop wind/rain attacking my porch since Friday and it was only at 7pm last night that I decided to get a pumpkin.

Did you know, dear reader, that finding a pumpkin the night before Halloween is like trying to get an iphone 5 on opening day. Impossible. 2 stores were just plain sold out but good ol No Frills still had a meager 6 pumpkins remaining in their bins. 3 had full holes on them. 2 were about to rot right open, and 1 lone pumpkin remained unrotted and unholed. This pumpkin was unfortunately deformed in a bad way- so obviously, this was the pumpkin for me.

I know that pumpkins don’t actually have feelings but I somehow feel like this pumpkin was overjoyed to fulfill his duty as a Halloween mascot. That left unpicked, he would have dies a slow terrible death at the bottom of a paper bin in the back corner of a sketchy No Frills amid the rotting flesh of his peers. I feel like our pumpkin smiled as we laid him down in the car- with his wonky head all misshapen and that he knew he was coming to a nice home to celebrate the holidays.

And so now, the deformed part of his head is overshadowed by the hella spooky face on the semi rounded part of the head that could actually be carved into and his humongous seeds (proof that you cant judge a book by its cover) are roasting away in my oven covered with sea salt and spices and my house is now ready for trick or treaters who better withstand this horrible weather and actually come out. I am not rushing home to put up spider webs and ghosts for nothing, ok kids?????

I think that the only downside to today’s festivities is my lame-o costume. Since my hubby told me I am too old to dress up tonight by myself (goodbye to my homemade ghost costume), I have been left with Friday night’s birthday bash for one of my besties as my “dress up opportunity”. While I LOVE her superhero theme, one would argue that “homemade ghost” and or Rawdy Rawdy Piper don’t quite qualify as superheroes and with all other female superheroes being super skanks, I have been left with my husband’s creation of costume magic, Professor Chaos and General Disarray- google them, hey are special characters but then google people who dress up as them for Halloween- I will be enshrined with fat dork weirdos foreves.

I cant wait though, to spend my first Halloween in my new home with my mom and dad, hubby and Pumpky (the name I decided fit my almost discarded pumpkin head), my spider webs, my hangy skeleton, my ghost, my BEWARE sign in glittery orange and a huge bag of treats for all the kids who, seriously, need to come out tonight or I will end up eating a full barrel of mini chocolates.

Have a spooky night everyone.


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