Thursday, November 1, 2012

Halloween Hangover

 Good Thursday to you my readers.

Did you have a nice Halloween eve?
I’m going to have to be honest and say mine was not great. I had great company and a questionably great costume but the night as a whole was not great- this may be why I feel excessively stabby this morning.

So beginning with the night. Sure, it was raining- so there is something to attribute there, but overall our trick o treat visitors were pitiful in numbers. AND, worse than that, they came until 9pm and 20% at least, did not even bother to wear a costume. 2 people didn’t even say trick or treat!

I felt defeated standing on my porch in my stupid ghost costume, that I put on despite ridicule from my husband- and I felt sad watching as kids came and went- on the other side of the street.

It is not my fault that my 2 next door neighbors made it horribly unappealing to come to our side of the road- with dark houses and no décor, I get that it was less appealing than the North side where every single house was lit up with cobwebs galore... But I had twinkly pumpkin lantern lights, I had gravestones in the ground and my hangy skeleton waving in the wind.... What else do you need people????

I am of course selectively omitting the joy I had when opening the door to a tiny care bear, a mini monkey and a lovely unicorn, some small witches and a geisha. Those kids made my whole night and subsequently each got about 40000 candies from my bowl which still houses about 90 chocolate bars (dear fat me).

The other nice thing, besides the cute kiddies was having my parents over and starting a brand new Halloweeny tradition chez us.

Needless to say, I think I fell asleep crying about the bad Halloween (and definitely NOT because of PMS) and when I awoke this morning, the grey skies and memories of my night in a bowl by my door didn’t do anything to lift my spirits. Nor did the crazy woman who lives in my neighborhood and talks to herself all the time, out loud, when she sat down next to me on the bus for my ride to the subway- which stopped a total of 3 times underground for sick people.

I hate f-ing stopping underground. Like there are not a million mole people living in the subways only but waiting to find a car trapped in the cement tunnel to rape and pilliage. I was too mad to even play my “who would I eat first if it came down to it while I was stuck on the subway” game.

Dear Thursday. You suck. Bring on Friday.

1 comment:

  1. BOOOOO (both in the bronx cheer and the ghost noise!!!) Halloween 2013 will be better.
