Wednesday, February 1, 2012

First world problems

Happy hump day peeps. TGIW- or something like that.

So last night my hubs and I went to pick up our (his) new computer!! woot woot. We (he) are the proud new owners of a MacBook Pro- new Macs are the best things ever. period. If you use a PC, yes, I judge you- PC can't compete in the same way that BBM is just a crap version of the otherwise popular text message- which comes up in a neat little bubble on the iPhone by the way.

Love MAC, HATE the store. That entire store smells like an airplane after an 8 hour flight- bad breath and body smells- I have no idea how such a clean looking store smells so damn dirty- probably because of the never-ending clusterfuck of people waiting to harass the staff about the i-whatever. It is only the shiny new products you can get there make it worth venturing in.

So, while we were at it, I also brought in my 3 year old Macbook to be doctored and made to run more optimally. The Genius who helped me (haha doesn't it sound like I am being sarcastic about an idiot who helped me- he was actually a genius- a Mac genius, but a genius nonetheless)

Anywho, he works his magic, looks yup at me and mumbles his condolences for my hard drive that, according to the tests, will not live past this year. My computer requires a hard drive transplant and will be the recipient of a brand new hard drive with double the GBs or something like that (wouldn't know seeing as when he asked me what I use my computer for my answer was "home stuff" and when he asked me how much memory I have used I said "whatever home stuff takes up"- savvy savvy tech girl, that's what they call me).

So, the kicker of course is that my husband's old laptop, an older Mac has been on the fritz since we moved in together 2 years ago- so, as a good gf would, I let him have full access to mine to do with what he pleased. While the Genius Mac dude said that we had done nothing to cause the hard drive to lose its gusto- seems fishy to me that my husband uses my computer all the time, then gets a new one as mine slowly dies a horrible death.

And this brings me to my point about technology and my significant other.

He always does it better than me

I am eternally jealous and never never ever have better technology.

Literally, never. What was once the better computer in the house (mine) was quickly usurped by his brand freaking new computer- I got the iPhone 3, he bought the 4. I didn't even bother with the iPad- he had one on opening day.

And now my big issue (and by issue I mean first world problem) is that I am due for an upgrade on my heinously old iPhone 3. Why a problem you ask? Well, problem because I have to patiently await the iPhone 5 so that I have a running chance of beating him in one part of the tech wars. Who wants to wait that long for a new phone?

And of course, I live in the fear that the iPhone5 I get will have all kinds of glitches that they will revise in the second outpour of iPhone 5 which he will inevitably get and then have this perfect phone that cuts the crust off his bread while I struggle with my erroneous hack version of it.

Ya, that's me bitching about just HAVING to wait for the new iPhone and just COPING with the first edition of it- cue the tiny little violin playing the saddest song of all time + barf.

Would you rather me bitch about the woman who drive too fast on my street and subsequently spray me with slush resulting in slushy tights? No? then zip it.

So, technology and MAC- so boss but....

How can one possibly keep up?

Damn you Mac for making such super sexy and desirable products that change every year. I am always behind.

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