Monday, January 30, 2012

Where to shop (if you want to be treated like crap)

Oh hi.
Happy Monday! How was your weekend? Mine was pretty fab. Got out of the city for a night to a beautiful cottage, made yummy dinner with my husband, spent some time with my parents and my sister and bro in laws, did some yoga... no big deal.

So, time with my parents usually means shopping- we are a super shopping family and this Sunday was no different- we spent a few hours wandering the mall beginning to look for some formal wear for the upcoming weddings I have this year.

I went to a particular store- rhymes with shmedosino- as I have been finding some real gems on sale as of late. In fact, I was so enthralled with my last purchase there (because who doesn't need a t-shirt with tribal print and fringe) that I was about to put to rest my longstanding internal battle with this store.

After this past Sunday, I take that back- the fight is back on.

Please someone explain to me how a whole entire chain of store can be so incredibly awful.

Long long ago, in a far away land, I was 13 years old and had "formal functions" aplenty to dress for. The love of my fashion life, Betsey Johnson was readily available to me at store-which-shall-remained-unnamed-but-I-hope-you-rhymed-it, and so was a go-to for my dress needs. Now you tell me this; how does a store tell a 13 year old girl that she is too big for their sizes, even if it is true (although I don't think it was)- because, you bet your ass that happened to me. Sure, I was plump for a 13 year old but the dresses had spandex and there is not a better way imaginable to ensure a lifetime of body image issues than that, guaranteed.

Perhaps that particular week the stores objectives were to increase sales, make sure you were selling multiples and crush a pre-teen spirit. Well, mission accomplished, store, mission. accomplished.

Anywho, it took me years to even set foot in the store again and when I finally did and purchased some over the top expensive tank top, it proceeded to fray and loose beads within a week of owning it.
I then recall purchasing the cutest dress ever for price X and seeing it there at the store for double price X. That is just so not cool.

This is aside from the obvious, that the staff who work there are beyond arrogant. Sorry but are you working here while I am shopping here? No offense to retail ladies (or men)- I was one myself- but to have a sense of superiority, snobbery or self entitlement about it is laughable really.

So contextualized for you, I have had mostly bad experiences, one recent ok one- went back on Sunday.

The girl who was helping me could not have been less interested in me- which is understandable since there was another girl who she was helping that was looking at a 500 dollar coat, my stuff wasn't quite as much and you should totally pay way more attention to whoever is spending more right?
She actually argued with me when I said I didn't like the dress I had tried on- which again, is a super effective sales tactic, bullying people into clothing....
Plus, she smelled bad. How can I possible concentrate on my meagre skirt purchase when my nostrils are full of cheap perfume and dirty girl?

Did they even so much as offer an apology when I found a stain on the skirt?
I hate that I bought it from them.

I vow never to shop at this hack store again- not only are they totally unprofessional, rude and trampy but the clothing is overpriced (promise you can find it better somewhere else), mistreated, and of seriously poor quality. Plus, how can you take fashion advice from a salesperson who wear CKOne??

Fer realz.

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