Friday, September 9, 2011

Vote me instead.

So every morning as I walk to the subway and get tot the doors, I am greeted by 2 familiar faces- the people who hand out those daily newspapers like Metro

Anywho, they stand by the doors of the station and happily pass out papers to anyone who wants one (and although I enjoy those papers, I never accept because I would just hate to be the douchebag who opens up a newspaper on a full car of people crammed up against each other- seriously, if you do that, you deserve to fall into a sweaty mans armpit). For the most part, these people get ignored- I like to say a polite "no thank you" just to acknowledge them so that they don't feel like invisible losers- although they are usually quite happy and cheerful despite having people walk by them.

So, this morning a bit further than where the Metro people stand there were 4 other people who began harassing you the second you got close to them- a good 20 steps from the subway station doors. They were campaigning for come woman (which is a testament to how hard I was listening to what they said- some woman) from the PC party who was standing off to the side greeting us as we ran into the station politely or not so politely avoiding eye contact with her solicitors.

Um, what kind of shenanigans is that? I don't even understand what that is all about. Is that an actual campaign method?

Let me just sort this out in my head for a second. Someone actually thought it would be a good idea to try and introduce a political candidate to people who are rushing to work on a Friday morning (or any morning for that matter)? Why don't they just have this lady knock at each of our doors early morning on Monday and blow trumpets in our ears and throw confetti in our faces?

Who appreciates this?

And moreover, who took the time to actually "meet" this woman and not have her shouting her name after you with a painfully fake smile as you whoosh past her hoping t catch the super subway? I wonder how many connections she felt she had made by mornings end. What a weird ass time to try and meet the people? In human rush hour.

Whoever you are, lady who is running for the PC vote, your campaign managers should be shot.

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