Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Green Machine

Happy week everyone,

Miss me yesterday? I had a crazy day but even after I got home totally zonked from a variety of meetings etc, I still was able to drag my ass up (and my husband’s ass too) and go for a run in the cemetery.

I think probably one of my favorite places in the whole world is the cemetery. It is so quiet and pretty and peaceful and I feel absolute serenity there. In the middle is my absolute favorite part, the mausoleum with a really nice pond- if I meditated, it would be there.

Anywho, this was the first time that we have run together (well, that is not entirely accurate- last year when I was much less able to run, we ran together too but this was less a run and more a me having a temper tantrum n the belt line in plain view of all passers by including but not limited to one of my husbands co-workers. Embarrassing- I had to be REALLY sure I was up to the task before asking him to run with me again) this was our first real run together and it was really fun to spend that kind of time together. We both felt fab after and it was a great way to get rid of the day and let go of all the stuff burdening us.

So, perfect timing to be really happy and relaxed because we had a night of couch ahead of us and for once, I was actually excited to spend the evening in front of the TV. As I have mentioned, probably many times, I hate TV- however, I do watch a few shows here and there and most of them are on Monday nights- so usually in any give week, we PVR the stuff we want to watch and then we can take smaller 30-60 minute times during the week to watch them which is WAY better than several hours of the tube to me.

But last night we had a special treat awaiting us-Frozen Planet. Now I totes thought that Planet Earth was super famous, like everyone knew about it- I guess I was mistaken because it seems that I have spread the word to a few friends who have never even heard of it let alone seen it- planet earth is this amazing documentary on earth, life, water, nature.... Anyways, it is amazing and SUPER interesting with stunning footage of stuff that you never get to see.

Frozen Planet is its cold counterpart focusing on all things nature in the poles. Northern Canada gets a lot of dap, which is pretty amazing too! We started the series on Sunday night but only got through the first hour so we were anxiously awaiting the second half all day. Loves that shit.

Frozen icicle plants- don’t mind if I do.

So, going backwards, did you have as busy a weekend? Did you celebrate St Patty?
Ug St. Patty. Is there any holiday I dislike more? I don’t mean to be a hater but dear world, you are not Irish, even for a day- even if your skanky sash or party hat or shot necklace or t-shirt say otherwise.

My husband jokes that I am old and probably loved the holiday in the old university days. Wrong. Hated it then too and even more because who needs an excuse at that time in life to drink all day and all night? Not I.

What I dislike about it begins with green beer. I don’t have a problem with food colored beer per say- more the green piles of vomit that litter our streets the morning after as well as drunken losers yammering in your face with green tongues. Festive food can be awesome and fun- this is just gross.

Also, why do people feel the need to become belligerently drunk? It isn't like on this one and only day everyone gets their ID for the first time ever and gets wasted beyond belief at the cowboy club (anyone else? Huh? Huh?) you can drink 365 days of the year- and you can get just as drunk as people choose to get on this one day. Ok, ok so this past Pattys was a Saturday- that gives a bit of merit to the all day all night booze fest and ya, it was nice out- which makes the whole day better so I will let that slide, but a few years ago when we went out (because, St. Pattys is one of my husband’s favorite holidays- opposites attract??) it was a Tuesday. Who on earth is getting piss faced on a Tuesday?? Tuesday are reserved for creepy bar locals and creepy bar locals only.

And finally, the costumes. Urrgrgrgrgr those costumes. Dressing up like an asshole in green does not make you festive- it makes you an asshole in green- the bigger your hat/shades/slogan/accessories, the stupider you are.

And I totes realize what a debby downer I sound like- blah blah blah, I  hate celebrating a drinking day- blah blah blah, green is not my color- I swear I am not- I will drink, I will drink you under the table- I will dance to Celtic music- shit I run to Celtic music every day, I will cheers my fellow tables, smile as I sip, dance, run the streets all a muck- I will do it all- just not with over- cologne douchebags who pile out of their hummers decked out in skank gear and green- I prefer my beer clean and shmuck free.

Hope you had a fabulous Irish celebration. xo

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