Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Dont. panic.

Hi friends,

Thank you for reading and hopefully checking out my post and it’s link for the food trucks.
So, without getting too into the nitty gritty, suffice to say that today I am anxious. The about what is irrelevant because what I want to discuss is anxiety and methods to quell it.

I am an anxious person. I was born anxious, I will die anxious. My absolute biggest fears in life are completely absurd and yet cause me sometimes paralyzing fear- like my basement. I totally realize that there is no monster mutant bug (or serial killer) hanging out where I hang my wet clothes to dry or do my laundry- I know that just because something appears to look like a horror movie setting doesn’t mean it is and I realize that going down to my basement for 5 minutes to pick up clean clothes doesn’t warrant a panic attack- I realize that while I shudder at the idea of being trapped in said basement I willingly roam the cemetery at dusk- but I am not scared of ghosts, just monster bugs and serial killers.

But my abnormal neurosis aside, what do you do to combat anxiety when it is so all encompassing. I have been sweating from my palms for like, 3 hours straight and drank one too many coffees resulting in a combi of gut rot and overactive caffeinated plantain.

I think back to the days when I spent a few months seeing a therapist for anxiety and it’s related effects on my person and all I can recall is her telling me to breath.

Well, duh.

I’m nervous, not suicidal for gosh sakes.

And I will tell you this- I have been breathing all day long and don’t feel a stitch better.

So I think to what other people tell me, be in the moment, try to focus on something else, engross yourself in an activity...
Do these things work for other people? Maybe I am doing it all wrong but I am pretty sure that there is not a whole lot that can distract me from this- shit, even chocolate isnt working....

If you have a tip, please share- my sanity will thank you later.

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