Friday, October 14, 2011

I spy with my little eye something that is pie.

What is more depressing than waking up to the rain and dark grey skies?

So it is Friday- yeehaw. I wish it was a sunny Friday but beggars can't be choosers.

So I am on this new "meal plan". Getting married in almost 1 month from now- crazy right? and my most wonderful trainer and friend has got me on a strict regimen- and one that i have surprisingly not broken yet (less some tootsie rolls- but they hardly count right?)
So along with working out every single day including 4 days of weights and 4 of cardio I must eat a shit ton of meat and protien.

Yes, I am now that girl who has protein shakes. I really do. They are so raunch.

BUT, when you eat chicken at every meal 5 times a day, you are forced to be a bit creative and after 1 week of breasts baked by my finace, I decided that if I am going to last the next bunch of weeks it is time to get creative and cooking.

And so, with no recipe, no skills and a debilitating fear of raw meat I set out to make something with ground chicken (I always think ground meat is the way to go in terms of being easy)- so, I was left with the obvious choices- meatball, burger, taco....I chose Shepherds pie.

Damn shepherds pie, you remind me of childhood and camp all mixed up into one scrumptious memory topped with frozen peas.

I am just going to go ahead and say that I made the most delicious, and healthiest shepards pie in all the land- and usually I wouldn't use this forum to preach my recipes BUT this one is so F-ing good and when I say share a recipe- I just mean I'm going to tell you how I made it ish and you can take it from there.

Ok- ground chicken with some onion, garlic, cumin, oregano (or whatever you grab), blob of ketchup, bigger blob of dijon, frozen peas- or whatever.
The meat is really to your own liking, it was the topping that took the cake.
Pureed cauliflower instead of potato- which I am not allowed to eat- you would never fucking know that it wasn't potato- it is amazeballs. I could have easily eaten just the blender full of the mush. Truffle salt and pepper- cook for a bit and voila- BEST.MEAL.EVER.

Your ass will thank me later.

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