Wednesday, October 12, 2011

My- Grain

My apologize faithful readers but I was absent all week with a terrible ailment.
Migraines. Do you get them? They blow.
I have never in life had such a heinous experience as I did last Wednesday when my migraines raged leaving me barfing up the food I couldn't eat and eventually in the ER.

Now, first of all, migraines- my arch enemies. They leave me such a hot mess- and by hot mess I mean totally un-hot mess. On times that I don't end up violently ill- which was really unusual for me- I end up still quite pretarded looking.

There is some old European wives thing that you should tie a bendaleh (which is a fancy word for fabric ribbon) around your head super tight- this puts some good pressure onto your temples which are no doubt throbbing like little.... um... throbbing things?
This usually aids the pain but results in my having ribbon marks across my forehead for a good 24 hours after (my face really takes to creasing).

My next step is to drug myself. My fiance is the type who takes an Advil as the absolute last resort to pain in any given circumstance- I am they type who takes an Advil at breakfast should the mood strike me- will I end up with ulcers? Who knows. Anywho- I have this incredibly substantial pharmacy in my bathroom- anything that ails you, my bag of goodies can fix. and there are tricks that you can employ when dealing with a bad headache- such as, you can mix Tylenol and Advil into a really good pain fighting combi OR you can import the illegal-in-canada Excedrin (my best friend) which is a concoction of Tylenol, Asprin and caffeine- never underestimate the value of caffeine. OR, you can take any of the above with an actual migraine pill. Please don't report me to intervention.

Finally, I like to wrap a blanket around my face and shut down- this is perhaps the only times in my life that I achieve true serenity less the headache itself. No noise, no light, no people, no stimulus, nothing- just a dark room, deep breathing and prayer for relief.

Anyways, I implore you to share your experiences with headaches here with me. Maybe you can teach me something new in my fight against pain.

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