Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Who needs a pacifier?

 Dear raver couple sitting directly across from me on the bus right now. I can hear you and so can the woman pushing her baby in a stroller at 6pm on this past Monday night.

Seems that you think it is, and I quote "offensive" for women to bring strollers on the public transportation system. Seems you feel so strongly about this issue that you have proceeded to discuss this for the past 20 minutes.

You in fact just called a stroller a "feminine excuse" and a reason to carry "something bigger than a purse".

I didn't realize, boy with fucking braids in your hair and herpes on your mouth dressed like a 90s candy raver, that you had any thoughts or opinions on child rearing. I'm going to go ahead and be straight up judgmental and say that not only do you look unfit to voice your fucking annoying opinion on strollers, you also look like you are on crack. And your girlfriend with the sesame street voice looks like a huffer. I watch intervention, I know.

A, no one wants to listen to your vulgar potty mouth spewing bullshit all over their would-be quiet, peaceful ride home and
B, this poor mother with her child in stroller can blatantly hear you. More offensive for woman to push her kid in a stroller and take up the precious space your disgusting Vans could otherwise be stretching out on or for you to be shit talking a clearly exhausted mother with her child who, I may add, is old enough to understand what you are saying.

Your number 1 claim is that mothers these days are too lazy to bother to carry their kids and that strollers are just for mothers to store all their extra shit in. Yes, because mothers with small children have so much shit of their own to carry. It is likely their diapers, and rash cream, and bottles and snacks, and spare clothes and blankets and soothers and teddy bears that are stuffed into the strollers.

And fyi, douche bag, if you have ever actually come near a child or a stroller, which you clearly have not- they don’t REALLY hold all that much- do trust that any woman- and I do mean ANY woman has been long accustomed to carrying all her needed possessions in a small purse at any given time.

Oh, and have you ever carried a baby? Because your claim that all mothers are lazy and should carry their child at all times is just fucking stupid. They are people, dude, not incredible hulks. You and your penis should have a long think-sy-poo before you go on and judge a woman and how she cares for her babe.

Your Muppet friend chimed in at this juncture to point out how many handicapped people have been put out of a place to sit on the TTC because of strollers. Um, how many? Do tell.

Being a crackhead does not quite qualify you as handicapped and my guess is that you are a mega moron and have no idea what you are talking about.

The dude then proceeded to vomit more idiot crap into my atmosphere by discussing his distaste for women who bring their babies to shopping malls (and I know, like me, you are shocked that anyone could have this much to say about such a stupid topic). You said, and I quote “do you think a 2 year old wants to be at the Bay for an hour”?

Oh wise and powerful yoda raver- please tell me where a 2 year old wants to be? Wandering the wilderness? Out with friends? Brunch? At the Guverment nightclub? Hard to say.

At this point I had to zone out of your conversation for fear that I was going to get up and smack your ugly face for being such a twit. When I zoned back in, you had moved to the arresting topic of social media and people on their cell phones in public. As I rang the bell to disembark what was, one of the worst bus rides of my life courtesy of you, I heard you say “would people rather I just shut up and play on my phone instead of making conversations on the bus”?

The answer, you total loser, is YES. Please. For the sake of all humanity. Please never open your mouth again unless it is to apologize to all mothers of the world.


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