Friday, August 31, 2012

Bye Bye August

As the winds pick up, the temperature goes down, the sun sets earlier and my desire to wear boots heightens, there is no denying that Fall is upon us.

Sure, official fall does not begin the instant that long weekend is over, but it sure seems that way- doesn’t it?

So with this in mind- and since I plan to be MIA all weekend long- I bid a bittersweet adieu to one of the weirdest summers of my life.

Goodbye to buying, getting, gutting and then rebuilding my home. Now, it is over- I just live there. I come home to my husband or no one and gone are the days of post work popsicles sitting on boxes with my contractors. Hard to say I will miss this time as it succeeded in getting me super sick, making it so that every morning I have to blow my nose at least 5-6 times to get everything out of there that I have spent the night breathing in (oh, and what is up there is just f-ing gross) and causing me general displacement anxiety placated only by the notion that one day it would all be over.

Goodbye to my grandfather and a summer of spending extra time to make sure that we never missed a moment before we had none left to have. I cant elaborate on this one in a witty way because, truth be told, I don’t find any humor or anecdotal material in this at all.

Goodbye to my yearly battle with my stupid arms- this is a goodbye I am happy to say. My least favorite thing about summer is that you cant just wear regular clothes- you are just forced to dress with everything hanging out all summer long or risk overheating. I hate you tank tops, I hate you short dresses with no tights, I especially hate you, spaghetti straps and moreover I hate looking at other peoples strange summer wear- for example, jean skirts- not ok after you hit age 15, my aforementioned high waisted jean short disgust and hey dudes, you are no exempt from this either because REALLY what is the deal with cut off arm T shirts- that is just disgusting.

But shit, I didn’t get this far being a goodbye girl- so with that HELLO to so many wonderful fall things.

Hello house- because the nitty gritty is done and now I get to enjoy my beautiful backyard before the snow falls

Hello a million (exaggeration) wonderful celebrations! In the past week or so, 3 of our friends have gotten engaged coupled with a few more in the past few months- and I do love a good engagement party! Hello to my sister in law’s upcoming wedding and all the family fun that goes with it!!! (I swear I am not “Sucking up”- I know you read this blog but I would say it even if you didn’t).

Hello sweaters, dark colors and boots. Need I say any more.

Hello to the smell of cinnamon, pumpkins and pie

Oh hi apple picking

And Hey-o to the holidays coming up around the corner

Shout out to the wicked concert I am going to see in 2 weeks

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