Monday, August 27, 2012

Here's to you

Happy Monday to you.
After a warm and wonderful weekend I was not even remiss to awake to grey skies and rain. Sure, it may impede on my plan to have a sisters day at Wonderland late this afternoon but no way that a few gloomy clouds can rain on my parade.

Why such positivity? 2 words. Great. Weekend.

My husband, as I mentioned last post, turned 30 and to celebrate, we had 3 days and nights of non-stop fun. He was overwhelmed and overjoyed by all the love in his life and I was overwhelmed and overjoyed to watch him be so happy.

Thursday night we had dinner with his parents at Joso’s.
Now, to begin, I have amazing in-laws. Going for dinner with them is not the obligatory burden that it is to most people and their parent in-laws. Mine is a treat and much more like dining with great friends. So that coupled with the fact that Joso’s is fricken amazing made for a truly great night. The food was from seafood heaven, the drinks were non stop and the playing of 50 cents “Go shorty” when they brought out the birthday cake was the cherry on the sundae.

Friday night my husband brought home the most recent addition to our family, one Large Green Egg. I could not even be mad with the fact that the chosen Egg size doubled from what we talked about originally getting as I don’t think I have ever seen my hubs so happy. It is entirely possible that one of these nights I will be banished to the guest room and the Egg will take my side of the bed.
Not too sure what the hell I am talking about? Well, to be honest, I am not too sure what this thing does either- alls I know is that it is a giant cast iron thing that can smoke, grill and otherwise cook meat at a crazy hot temperature over coals and such.
Alls I can tell you too is that while I spent hours on Sunday slaving over a shoe rack thingy from Ikea, hubs was lying in bed googling youtube videos of what the Green Egg can do.
Because other people actually make the videos that psychos like him watch in bed.
Just saying.

Right, so I totally joke but this egg was a lifesaver and fan favorite at our dinner smoking 2 wicked beer can chickens and perfectly cooking thick steaks to perfection. But the highlight of the night was watching my little nephew roll around on my cow hide rug and petting it. I swear that he must be the cutest boy in the world- I don’t even think I am biased when I say that- he is really just perfect.

So Saturday we spent the day in TB park which has become on of my favorite ways to spend a Saturday. The sun was shining, the hipsters hadn't yet emerged from their ironic breakfasts and the only people there at noon when we arrived were homeless folk and the cool/strange people who come alone to read a book. Soon enough we were surrounded by friends, dogs and even one of my other favorite little people, my best friend’s daughter.
Gotta say this; I think it is so awesome how much people love my hubs. I love watching it and seeing him in his zone.

We ended up having most of the park people back chez us for a late Saturday and then awoke to have brunch with our favorite person eves at this brand new place down the road from me. which, long-winded-ly, brings me to my rant.

So like I said, we made the choice to walk past our tried and true brunch spot and hit up a new place that opened a month ago down the road. I am never weary of new places and I have a lot of patience for the usual slip ups made while figuring out the kinks of running a new place. I will also say that the food at this place was F-ing amazing. They smoke their own bacon, the potatoes were outstanding and the sage sausage- also homemade was to die for- even the eggs were cooked to perfection and apparently the biscuit that I opted not to have was like sex in bread form. (mind you, since the ex I have successfully gained 4 pound in 4 days so perhaps raving over fatty meat and bread is out of line).

Anyways, we are 3 and we patiently await a table of four to sit at- we wait for 30 minutes, no problem and the owner who had forewarned us of an approximately 30 minute wait lets us know that 2 separate 2 person tables are about to be vacated and they will push them together and we can sit there. Whopee.

Enter an obese man with one of those terrible chin beards and full mat tits with his equally fat-ass wife who walks to the back of the restaurants and just sits his fat ass down at one of the 2 person tables we were waiting to have pushed together.
And of course, the owner didn’t catch him fast enough and then just felt to awkward to ask him to move so she instead asked us to cramp around a 2 person table and just squish. Hunger won over annoyance so we did- sitting our asses right down next to the fatty bombatty who didn’t even raise an eyebrow when I loudly voiced how hungry you must have to be to steal someone’s seat who you blatantly budded in line in front of.

I then watched him inhale an eggs benny and figured that cholesterol, not karma would take over from there.

Anyways, people, if you are at a resto and waiting for a table you are not allowed to just go in and TAKE a table away from you patient co-patrons. I don’t care if you are accustomed to eating whole animals smothered in lard by 8am and you are just famished- don’t care if you literally have to gnaw at your own hand to wave off the pangs of starvation. Don’t be a rude asshole just because you are miserable. Shit, join Jenny Craig homeboy.

Anyways- I got to take out my anger on the Ikea shoe shelf thing and then got to expend even more energy shopping with my mom while my hubs and dad went golfing. So lucky me, by the time I awoke this morning, memories of the bacon-ater were long gone and my only thoughts were how happy I am that my hubs enjoyed turning 30 as much as I did...6 months ago.

Mrs. Robinson.

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