Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Why you should ALWAYS check under the bed....

Ok, so, I like horror movies. There is something particularly delicious about being frightened out of your skin. I love the way it makes me feel. Of course, I am particular about my genre of scary movie. On principle of it just being really stupid, I won't watch things like the Final Destinations, anything produced in 3D- if I wanted some cheese with my horror, I'd order nachos.

I also don't like movies about really crazy serial killers who target women- Pu-Leeze- I have enough of an active imagination about that kind of stuff- don't need any help thinking of new scenarios where I might die- thanks.
Anything with really demented families and or serial killers- like the Texas Chainsaw Massacre- eek
Anything with really scary kids
Anything where the scary things happen at night, to a normal family- or things under the bed- and yes, I still check there for monsters- judge me.

My favorite movies in this all encompassing genre are fantasy-ish ones (characters or scenarios that could NEVER happen- vampires- bring it.)
Biblical horror- lie, if the devil possesses you body- I am digging thats hit
Gypsy horror- like Thinner.... sppoookkkkyyyy
Supernatural horror- ghosts and zombies and shit
Humorous horror- like Drag me to Hell (intentionally funny) or the Friday series (just funny)
ANYTHING with predator in it
ANYTHING with Freddy Krueger

and I will go ahead and say that Zombie Apocalypse is my number one of these all.....

In addition to loving a good movie, I also freak out for a good haunted house. If you have clowns drooling blood in a creepy ass room with strobe lights- I love you.
So- nutshell- I am not a fraidy cat and like horror.

BUT- Yes, yes, preview that plays far too much for my liking on every fucking channel including HGTV which I like to fall asleep to- or liked to as now I have to resort to news or TSC....I am in fact afraid of the dark.

Why should there be such a frightening preview on TV at all times? How is one supposed to erase the memory of that creepy monster thing that they flash at the end from one's mind as to peacefully fall asleep? And that whispering- that creepy childlike whispering- the second time I saw that preview I obvi turned my head away only to realize that the sound of the preview is almost just as scary as the preview itself. Guillermo Del Toro. holy balls.

Ug, I just watched it again to refresh my memory- the combi of children and something that only attacks you in the night in the dark... I barf. AND, and, I just read the Wikipedea of it and the premise is not only do these monsters try and scare this little girl after hours- but also, no one believes her when she tries to tell on them- yet another huge fear of mine....


Good luck sleeping tonight suckers.....

1 comment:

  1. I was just re reading this post- doesn't the "monster" look like a lint ball from the laundry with a face?
    Maybe I will see this one after all......
