Monday, June 6, 2011

Pork flavored happiness

So as you all know, (and by all I mean my whole whopping 12 followers- people, follow me. I swear I am interesting enough to read more than once) I don’t often write too much about food despite the fact that my every day is consumed by it.

I believe my last post on the topic was during my detox and I felt like my annoyingly excited spin instructor being so diet gung ho. So first- sorry about that- next time I detox I will keep my big vegetable filled mouth shut. Second, if your tastes are anything like mine- see below- you do not want to miss what I found!

Gelato. Has ever a more perfect food been created for the summertime? No. the simple answer is just no. Here is what is so amazing about it. Love ice cream and hate the calories? Gelato boasts about 140 -180 per cup while ice cream ranks in at 210-270. Don’t give a flying fuck about calories? Gelato has the craziest flavors like spicy chocolate and twix bar and unlike their ice cream counterparts, they actually taste like eating whatever flavor they say they are. Plus there is the fruit flavors that are A) made with no fat- calorie counters rejoice and B) come in every fruit flavor imaginable and again, taste like what they boast to be.

In my neighborhood about 400,000 gelato places have popped up in the past few years. Ok, obviously that is an exaggeration but there are a ton and the “locals” just love to argue the virtues of their particular gelato home base. I don’t have favorites per say, but there are some places that to me, have received a bit too much hype and subsequently charge a bit too much money (cash only no less) for their easily forgettable flavors and serving sizes. Otherwise I am sure they are all amazing.
So enough of my reviews- you are certainly not tuning in for them right? and onto the goods. This weekend I had a new flavor that blew my mind to the point that my fiancé insisted that I write about them.

I must first go ahead and state the obvious which is that I am not god. You are free and welcome to disagree with my flavor choice, scrunch your nose up at even the mere sound of it or try it and hate it. I am merely providing the tools for you to make a decision about something I enjoyed.

I also enjoy tweezing ingrown hairs and popping pimples- I don’t expect for us to have everything in common- or do we?

Off of blemishes and back to food.

Let me set the scene for you people.
First things first- I love pork. As someone who is relatively new to the other white meat- I am still in awe of how good it is. Second, I love savory desserts- I am not a sweet girl unless I am about to get my monthly friend (and by friend I mean enemy) and even then I would take a bag of chips over a chocolate bar any day of the week. This is just to give you some context to my taste buds…

So there we were, my fiancé and I, driving home from a great backyard get together where I had one too many glasses of Sangria- blame it on the weather-how can I resist?
So it is 11:30 and like every time I drink, I am starving. My fiancé doesn’t believe in late night eating- one of our many personal differences. I love to eat at night despite the fact that it is not great for you- he wont- so it was to my great surprise that he agreed and even was excited for late night gelato.

There, glistening in the way only good gelato does, surrounded by cherry and rice pudding flavors was a tub entitled “pancetta”. Bacon flavored gelato? BACON AND ICE CREAM? My wet dream in a frozen counter.

Is it beyond obvious that we both left with heaping cups of it? Yes? I know.

The pancetta was caramelized so that it was extremely crunchy but also sweet and also salty and also amazing. The gelato had a slight spice and was vanilla-y, sweet, salty and amazing too. Each bite had tiny flecks of pancetta in them and some had bigger chunks of the delicious meat. Every bite was like a slice of pork heaven and as the cup came close to being empty I felt truly sad for the loss of this treat to my stomach.

Reader, if you like me are interested in all things bacon and pork eat this. It comes from “il gelateria” on Mount Pleasant and it is a delight.

Bacon gelato is worth sharing with you all right?

Ps. While I am on topic and since I will not revisit food postings for a while and since, if you like pork then this is for you too- sausage fest. Yes, ladies and gents I bring you a festival of sausage. Check out Marben’s website for their weekly listing but expect that you will go on Wednesday to try 2 separate sausage dishes made by 2 different reputable restaurants in TO and get to vote on the best- finalists begin competing in August for the title of Sausage king/queen. I am heading there Wednesday to sample the offerings of a Palette and Parts and Labour- best food week of my life? It just may be.

Happy eating.

pps. i know that bacon and pancetta are different so please assume them as meaning the same thing. ok? thanks.

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