Wednesday, February 2, 2011


I got the call as the news broke. Target bought Zellers and is coming to Canada, said the voice on the line, in synch with the CP24 news anchor reporting live from in front of a Target store. All I thought was, how crappy.
I really like Target and in fact, I have been known to make my (amazing) fiance drive 30 minutes out of the way somewhere in the middle of a 15 hour road trip where we have been in the car already for about 12 hours just so I can go and try on my favorites from Mossimo. The thing about Target though, is that it has always seemed like my own private fashion secret. I know it is not but the thing about it being in the States is that the odds of you and your friend being shopping in the US at the same time is less likely and Target has a fast turnover rate for their clothing making it possible to be the only one (in your circle of friends- obviously not in the world) who has what you have.
I have a sick obsession with good cheap clothes (and who doesn't really?) and I thrive on the times where I will get complimented on a top that cost me 8 dollars.
This was exactly how I felt about Forever 21 when it expanded into our neck of North America, now everyone and their mothers would know about my 5 dollar tank tops and 2 dollar jewelry.
So dear Target's acquisition of Zellers, thanks for ruining my secret cheap shopping. Now the whole world (my whole world) will know my thrifty secret.*

*Note- there is nothing wrong with being a thrifty shopper. It is just nice to be able to be one without looking like it- you know?

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