Thursday, May 19, 2011

Music is my iphone

Having been quite sick for the past few days and home with only the repetition of various House Hunters shows on HGTV to keep me company (and sane), I had too much time to fill and winded up spending a lot of it on my iphone playing fruit ninja.
Fruit Ninja is a game where pieces of fruit are flung on the screen and you use your finger as the sword to slice up those pieces of fruit and watch as they splatter on the background wall. The objective is to slice up as many fruits as you can in 60 seconds. Brain science? No. A 2 hour time waster? Absolutely.
This game is the most fucking addictive thing you can imagine- I dream fruit every night.
And, of course, in our ever competitive relationship, my fiancĂ© and I have an ongoing war to determine who the real fruit ninja is- (me- naturally). It has gotten so bad that a few nights ago, the romantics we are, we both lay in bed and played on our respective iphones until we couldn’t see straight and had to go to bed. That is how epic this game is (or how incredibly lame our sex life was that night).
All this leads me to my ultimate point. iphones are just so awesome (and I am a fruit ninja).
When everyone around me started getting iphones and I was stuck with my blackberry, I made up a million reasons why I didn’t even care that I didn’t have an iphone. I praised the glory that was BBM and the way that I could so easily open a PDF email. I hailed RIM for being a Canadian company and demeaned the keypad on the iphone as archaic.
Was I ever an ass.
Point 1. BBM is the worst. To think of the amount of times I stressed because I knew you read my message and hadn't responded/ the amount of times I wanted to read your messages but didn’t want you to know I had read them- the whole thing just brought about a new kind of relationship politics. I want to be able to read my messages as they come- because lord knows I live with my phone at my side- and then respond to them when I want to. I do not want the message sender to be able to essentially track me as I go along my day, knowing the precise moments where I chose to receive messages.
I was all like, “how will I talk to people without BBM”- it is simple really, I either call them ( I find that I actually call and speak to more people than I used to now) or I text message them. With the fun bubble conversations on the iphone, texting is really so much less old school than it seems and just as effective in getting your message across. 
So in short, do I miss BBM? About as much as I miss ICQ uh-oh.
Point 2. The emails. Really? Who was I kidding about PDF emails? Am I a business rock god? And if I was, and it was essential to my job function that I be able to read such emails, wouldn’t the company just get me a blackberry for said purpose. Yes. And in the meantime, my daily groupon blasts that overwhelm my inbox and make me feel important, show up just fine. Do people really PDF me in my casual life? No- and please don’t.
Point 3. ok, so I sold out on this point because MAC certainly isn't a Canadian anything. But, Apple is so wicked and some good things come from America right? Like the Olsen twins, and Jersey Shore.... Ok, bad examples (ish) but if Canada made a super amazing fantastic technology like Apple has, I’d be all over that like a fat kid on fudge (mmmmm fudge).
Point 4. The keypad. WAY better- plus auto correct on iphone is the funniest thing ever. Please refer to to see what I mean.

And enjoy

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