Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Hip to be square?

So, not that I ever had false illusions that I was a mega cool person- when you wear glasses that mimic Harry Potter you can rest assured that you are not so super cool- but I also didn’t realize that I am a dork. I think.
So as you may know by now, I have a new job and as such, I have the pleasure (torture) of meeting all these new people. I hate meeting people. I am always sure they think I am a total spaz- mostly because for some unknown reason I tend to mumble my otherwise well articulated words into weird sounds and then turn red and slink away. I think I am one of those people that to know me is to love me- I just hate the getting to knowing part..
But of course, in any new situation, there are a lot of generic topics ad questions about your general interests. I have been listening to the answers I give and have come to the grand conclusion that I am not the coolest cube in the ice tray.

The evidence:
-my co worker asks me what I did all weekend- I go into a 15 minute rave about the Board Game café where I spent my entire Saturday playing Carrcasson (obviously no one has heard about this game or knows what the shit I am talking about) and Fireball Island while dreaming about the huge game of Dungeons and Dragons (or something like it) at the table next to me.

-I reveal my lifelong obsession with WWF (WWE) wrestling and when the person I am talking to begins to reference some older wrestling characters and I think he is into what I am saying I ask if he had seen the comeback of the Rock (that just happened). Of course he hadn't because I am sure that only me and American inbreeds still watch wrestling with a vengeance.

-the one (and only) time I go outside to smoke with some of the girls I work with, instead of lighting my cigarette, I turn on the lighters attached flashlight. This happens 4 times in a row.

-I have said “oh neat” about 200 times so far. Neat? Really? Neat? Is it? Is it neat?

Shall I keep updating on this one?

Suffice to say that mostly every minute I do something to embarrass myself.

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