Thursday, August 1, 2013

Jane Eats- like a vegan, touched for the very first time

I went to Fresh for dinner last night with my group of girlfriends. Here is what I can say about Fresh. First of all, if you want a nice meal to catch up with old friends, this may not be your place. I love it there, like, LOVE it but shoveling salad into your face isn't super conducive to a good conversation. There were a lot of flying lettuce bits.

Also, and this goes beyond Fresh because I seemingly do this to myself all the time, I ordered the wrong thing. I don’t know why I stray from food when I know how much I love it but I abandoned my beloved Beach bowl with rice and opted for a kale salad. My body is currently saying fuck you very much for that choice. Who needs a full bowl of hemp seeds? Not this girl apparently.

I don’t know why I do it to myself. Like, I feel too adventurous as a person to eat the same thing all the time but then I just get food envy for the 2 other people at my table who got exactly what I wanted and yummed their way all through dinner while I chewed kale by the bushel.

I think earlier that day I had read how Jennifer Aniston got her 40 year old six pack with eating kale so I was all like, if I eat kale, I might develop an overnight six pack too. Obviously I am to cut out to read celebrity diet tricks.

Also, I have basically eaten tofu all week long- this is what happens when my husband leaves me to cook my own protein. I am obviously terrifed of the idea of cooking meat tofu is my sole sustenance- or tempeh, which is equi weird/ gross.

Mix some tofu with some shiritaki noodles and some of my overabundant Jamaican Caliloo (the best growing plant in my garden by far) and you have my dinner food for a week.

What do vegans do? I always thought I would be a great vegan given my ambivalence to meat but after my week of beans for that 4 hour diet and this week of tofu, I cannot imagine living like this. It’s not even like I crave meat, I just crave anything that isn't a salad. Whomever came up with the line “you don’t make friends with salad” was spot on.

Anywho, I digress. Fresh- delicious if you haven't eaten tofu for 3 days straight and want more than an hour over salad to talk.
Veganism- I applaud you if you can but this plantain needs something to eat that isn't a leaf or made from soy.

 The end.


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