Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Mr. Rogers

Hi readers,

Sorry for my recent 2 week hiatus. The days have been busy and I spent a whole week over stimulated by a visit to the movies- every time I forget why I hate going, I remember as I cross and uncross my legs until they are sore in a stale popcorn smelling seat wearing jeans.

Plus, it took me a grand total of 2 full days to decompress and relax and on the night of the movie, I cried myself to sleep- it was Les Mis. I cried in the movie Ted too. I am ashamed.

Anywho, I digress.

After a whirlwind weekend spent with good friends and family (and a massive hangover thanks to a pretty stellar engagement party), it was nice to get back to routine last night. You will all be pleased to hear that 3 weeks in, my hubs is still loving hot yoga. I am actually floored. There is no words for how happy I was/ how cute it was when, as we were walking to the car last night (yes, we drove the 3 minute walk. It was cold ok?), he goes “you know, I was really having trouble in pigeon today”. What is better than that?

But we are totally loving the Monday night class- the super hairy teacher and the sweat that comes with it. Plus, being a part of the studio is just another connection to our hood and peeps, the hood is good.

This past Friday night we had some hood love too- Friday night we dined in with our across the street neighbors. Having neighbors as friends= awesomeness and certainly makes up for both homeless Japanese Santa who trolls our streets daily and the strange Chinese woman who screams at herself  every morning heading towards the bus- plus it makes us forget that but 2 houses away lives someone who collects lawn ornaments and gnomes and displays them, willingly, on his/her lawn (ambiguous gender reference due to NEVER actually seeing them despite their colorful surroundings).

Then, whilst at yoga, we ran into other neighborhood friends and THEN, we met some other friends at a resto nearby for a late bite. Pretty sure there is nothing cuter in the world than having cute neighborhood nights- it makes me SO happy that we bought where we did and even happier that we have made the effort to make new and keep old friends who live nearby- obv I don’t discriminate if you chose Thornhill as your home base- one of my besties even chose Thornhill Woods, but the thought of the upcoming summer night spent strolling the streets with friends or popping in for visits to everyone who lives nearby, that is pretty awesome.

Point being. Loves my hood.

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