Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Bad ass bikers, they can be friends too

I finally made it to the subway unscathed and early. Less a hanging bloodied floral garment on the railing going down to the platform, the trip over was uneventful- my hubs kindly gave me a ride and we listened to Tom Petty for the 8 minute car time- I heart Tom Petty a lot. When we got engaged on a road trip through Vermont en route to Martha’s Vineyard, we listened to that CD a lot. That and REM’s greatest hits. Both CD’s will forever make me want to get engaged, drink tequila and eat oysters seaside.

I digress.

So there is this man who I have now seen a few times on the rocket- because when you take it every single day, you begin to recognize faces that, like you, are commuting same bat time, same bat channel.
 and this man is particularly easy to spot because he is about 6 foot 5 with a long beard and look, to be blunt, like the head honcho of a bad ass biker gang. He always wears sunglasses on the subway- which, to be honest, I do also but on him they seem menacing whilst on me I doubt anyone is worried about me following them outside and killing them with one foul swing to the head.

So like everyday, at St. George station, half of the subway empties out and seats become readily available to those of us who have been made to stand for the prior bunch of stops. I find that I don’t mind to stand in the mornings- sometimes sitting makes me so damn tired and although I never have, I would not put it past me to just fall asleep in the subway and end up somewhere far East of work. But by the time we got to St. George, narcoleptic tendencies or not, I was ready to sit.

Anyways, the car empties but for once there are not so many readily available seats and there is me, the scary biker dude and an elderly woman all hovering around the one empty available seat. I was scared.

The elderly lady spoke first and said that she didn’t want to sit as she sits all day in her job and likes the time to stretch her legs and the hulk of a man turns to me as I am gesturing for him to sit down- we have a good 30 second non verbal gesture war until he finally laughs and smiles at me “We are so Canadian eh?”.

Listen, I am not saying that this man isn't scary in real life, he very well might be- but just as scary as I could potentially be in my salt stained uggs and skirt and I am always amazed how fast I jump to judge people based on appearance and how sometimes I am taken by such surprise at how actually wonderful they can be.

So hey, biker dude who offered me a seat this morning and who offered an old lady a seat this morning on the subway- thank you- always good to take off my dark sunglasses and see the world through rose colored lenses yet again.

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