Friday, July 26, 2013

Jane Eats- The trendiest diet around

Happy Friday readers!

If you have been following me for the last while you know I am something of a yo-yo dieter. It is true that I spend an inordinate amount fo time reading on and trying out fad diets. I cant help myself! I keep thinking that if I remove gluten/cut out dairy/ never again look at refined sugar or just eat soup for a week, I will solve the mystery of being a supermodel.

My gorgeous and wonderful trainer slapped some sense into me the other day during a dinner where I was regaling her with my most recent attempt at the 4 hour body diet. I can say this for sure. 2 weeks, no fruit and all those beans made me somewhat unpleasant to be around. Plus, much like I guessed, my husband (who did the diet with me) lost about what seemed like at least 10 pounds in those 2 weeks while I seemed to gain weight!

Her valid response to my complaint was to try a brand new revolutionary food movement. STOP DIETING.

Being “gluten free” unless you are celiac is not necessary nor is being “dairy free” if you are not lactose intolerant. In face, the elimination of anything from your diet just messes around with your system and since there is no one tried and true diet that all scientists and nutritionists can agree on, it probably means that there is no one way for you to achieve the weight and health results you want with a turn-key solution.

With that ladies and gents, I put forward for your consideration, a diet of not dieting. It is called “eating a healthy balanced diet of good shit” and I think you will find that it is 100 percent successful in making you feel great!

Here are your parameters.

  1. Eat healthy things- this means try to eat local, non processed crap. No one can agree on a diet that is the be-all for dieting but everyone can agree that ingesting chemicals is just gross. Brown rice breaks down better than white so if you have the choice, whole grain is less processed and more filling, and fruits and veg as well as healthy fat are crucial to your body.
  2. Cut out gluten if you have an intolerance otherwise, don’t. Gluten free is not a diet, it is a food allergy and gluten free food is not healthier, it is just different. Same goes for any fad allergy related food things.
  3. Be reasonable and honest with yourself. If you eat ice cream every day, you will gain weight. If you don’t care, eat ice cream, if you do, limit yourself.
  4. Pick and choose your indulgences wisely so you maximize your enjoyment.

That was pretty much it.

Here are the inherent benefits to eating well.

First of all, your body is super smart and if you choose to listen closely, it will tell you exactly what it needs and wants to fuel you so likely, you will be eating everything you need to be eating.

There is no deprivation, no cheat days and no guilt. If you want something badly, you can have it. Your metabolism will pick up because it is getting what it needs and you will find yourself hungrier more often thus eating more often thus satatied more often. Its pretty sweet.

You will never again be that annoying person who is all like, “oh, can I have that in gluten free” even though everyone around you knows that you are not Celiac or the person being like “can you please make my eggs with PAM”- why would you even go out for eggs if you are cooking them in mother f-ing PAM?? Make that shit at home. Again, your body tells you what is good and what isn't so if milk makes you bloat stay away from milk or drink it if it feels good. You know, all hippy like.

And finally, one day in the future when you realize that you need to eat a balanced diet your body wont FREAK OUT at you for re-introducing carbs etc. your body will thank you and smile.

I’m going on the 100 year challenge of eating healthy good stuff and working out less but making the time I spend more effective and better. I plan to use my free time to have a life and stop obsessing about food and diet. Anyone else care to join me?


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