Wednesday, April 6, 2011

It is what it is

So, I'm not sure if it is a generational thing but I am assuming it is. A statement of complacency from a generation of my peers that live with the perpetual anxiety that we will never be as well off as our parents and that the efforts made in trying to be are as futile as Vanilla Ice trying to revive his career as a serious actor.
But whatever the underlying cause, "it is what it is" as a completely acceptable response has overwhelmed basic conversation and stuck its claim as the answer to most of life's queries.

How doctor depresso is that as a statement??
First of all, of course it is what it is. How fucking stupid is that even as an idea- what else would it possibly be? It is what it isnt? Are we living in wonderland with Alice? No, no we are not and it obviously is what it is.

But, that being said, the finality and concreteness of this statement is scary, complacent, lazy and just altogether stupid.
Like what? We cant change anything? Some one will say "I am so depressed about my _____ (fill in the blank) and the legit response will be "it is what it is"???? How completely uninspiring. What about what it could be? Saying that makes it seem like you don't believe in change and without change you get the lazy bum kids mooching off of their parents, never aspiring to much, because hey, it is what it is.

My birthday resolution. Stop using that horrible line as an "intellectual" answer.

1 comment:

  1. Thank you!! Great post.
    At the risk of sounding all self-helpy, I prefer 'It is what you make it'. At least then the 'you' is active and held accountable. We've all heard enough complaining from our complacent peers as you so well put it, but who is out there doing something to change things?
    PS love you b-day girl
